Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thinking on the New Year
1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God
2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year
3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress and what will you so about it
5. What is the single biggest time-waster and what will you do about it
6. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently for
7. What's the most important way you will by God's grace, try to make this year different from last
8. What's the most important need you feel burdened to meet
9. What habit would you most like to establish this year
10. Who is the person you most want to encourage
11. What's one way you could be a blessing to your pastor
12. What single blessing from God do you want to seek most earnestly
13. What skill do you most want to learn
14. What one biblical doctrine do you most want to understand better
15. What area do you most need change
Do you have any questions you ask yourself about the new year? Happy New Year!!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
We decided on Le Chardonnay because it was one of the places that we had a Groupon for and we had eaten there once before, but only for dessert. At that time it was at a different location and it had a very romantic feel. The new location doesn't have that same feel. While it is still dimly lit and there are candles on the table the T.Vs, open kitchen and the smoking countered the whole romantic atmosphere I remembered. And yes SMOKING! I didn't think you could smoke in restaurants anymore. I would have left if we hadn't already ordered. And typically, I do not mind if the kitchen is open and you can see the chefs cooking, but they were talking loudly and one guy was on break and just leaning on the counter smoking and swearing. It was annoying.
On to the food. It was nothing great. I ordered the grilled mahi mahi sandwich. The piece of fish was very flat and not impressive. However, the remoulade was very tasty, but the sandwich was on a huge sesame bun that completely overwhelmed the fish. I felt like I was eating more bread than anything. But the fries were nice and crispy. We will not be eating there again. My husband wrote a review of the restaurant here if you want to hear his comments.
Here are just a few of our favorite restaurants in Memphis
1. Sweet Grass (we would say it is the best restaurant in Memphis)
2. Elegant Farmer
3. Boscos
4. Trolley Stop
5. 3 Angels Diner
6. It isn't Don fav, but I love Bombay House. He prefers Mayuri
7. Majestic
We both really want to try
1. Andrew Michael
2. Iris
3. Felicia Suzanne's
So, if you have ever eaten at any of those places please let me know what you thought about it.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My 3 year old and modesty
Monday, December 5, 2011
Not a Christmas entry
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I'm thankful for...
1. My salvation. That Christ died on the cross and bore the wrath that I deserved.
2. My husband. That he loves me, that he provides for our family, that he leads our family, that he can cook, that we laugh together and that he is my best friend
3. Eden. that she such a delight that loves to read, that she is caring and loves helping mommy.
4. Owen. That he is loving and loves to cuddle. That he smiles all the time and laughs.
5. As I just mentioned that Paula has finished up her treatment and can move back home!
6. For my loving mother and father
7. For my sweet sister and her family
8. For my interesting and super smart brother
9. For my wonderful sister-in-law
10. The rest of my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. So blessed by family!
11. Sweet friends that keep me accountable
12. For our home.
13. Centerpoint church family. Thankful for their support in our transition
14. New church family at Audubon Park
15. How the Lord is shaping my parenting and character
16. Our call and desire for missions
17. That I get to stay home everyday with my sweet children
18. For my husband's job that allows me to stay home
19. For the neighbor that the Lord has placed us in
20. Sweet surprises that my husband does for me
21. Friendships that my children have
22. That we are all healthy
23. That I have more than I could ever dream about. I should never complain
24. Our books
25. That my children sleep well and Don and I get full night's rest (typically)
26. Heat (you have no idea how cold natured I am)
27. freedom from religious persecution
28. my loving father-in-law
29. 3 meals and 2 snacks everyday
30. My children laughing
I could go on and on. Here are a few pictures

The amazing family the Lord has blessed me with
Going to Turkey with my sweetie (even though my eyes are closed)
brother and momma
Grandma last Christmas
Aunt Sara and Grandpa
sweet friends for my children
Monday, November 21, 2011
It was one of those days...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Painted Mason Jars
Friday, November 11, 2011
The beauty of the Lord's kindness
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Rise and Shine!
Getting up early in the morning is a valuable thing. (But why is it so hard!) I am right there with the person that just wants to go back to sleep or that thinks they are going to sleep for just another 10 minutes, but wakes up 45 minutes later and has to rush in the shower or doesn't get a shower at all. I love my bed! And I love to sleep. It is a great comfort. When I was in high school probably like most high schoolers my Saturday mornings meant I got to sleep until 12 or 1 in the morning... i mean afternoon. That's a lot of sleep! I wanted to share what the Bible says about rising early and importance of it.
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed." Mark 1:35
Jesus got up early. So many times in the Gospels it talks about him getting up early to teach the crowds and here to meet with the Lord. He knew and made an example of getting up while it was still calm and the craziness of the day hadn't set in. This is the time it seemed that He knew He could just be with His Father.
"O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch." Psalm 5:3
David and the other psalmist made it a priority as well to get up early and be with the Lord. They started their day with prayer and pouring their heart out to the Lord. The Psalms are full of request being made early in the morning. Ex. "But I, O LORD, cry to you; in the morning my prayer comes before you." Psalm 88:13
"She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens." Proverbs 31:15
I am so encouraged by the example of the Proverbs 31 woman. I want to be more like her. I can picture her getting up lighting her candles getting things ready for her household. Preparing their food, getting herself ready for a full day of work.
These are just a few examples of the importance of rising early. Personally, while it is hard and the moment I hear that alarm go off I dread putting my feet on the cold hardwood once I am up and going I am so thankful that I did it. I see 2 reasons why it is important. 1. it makes sure that you have time with the Lord and 2. it helps to get your day going without interruptions.
My rising time changes with different season of my life. Right now my alarm is set for 5:50. I take my shower, I spend time with the Lord, I finish getting ready, I eat my breakfast, check my email, and then start on house chores and having the kid's breakfast ready. When this happens it is a smooth morning even if Eden and Owen both wake up in terrible moods, which does happen. I can then take the time i need to console and help them instead of rushing around to get the morning started and grumpy because I know that I didn't get a shower and probably won't get one for the rest of the day!
I am not perfect at this. By no means. I already said how much I love to sleep, but I know I have to get up. There are mornings when it just doesn't happen. But there is grace for that and thankfully I serve a gracious God who helps me through the day and provides me with strength for those crazy mornings.
Quick disclaimer: I do believe that if you are sick or just had a hard time sleeping or a late night then the extra sleep is needed. We need our bodies to be well rested. That is also why you have to get in the bed at a good hour. On a typical night my bedtime is 10:00pm at the latest. Also, when you have a baby your sleep schedule is most of the time their sleep schedule. So rising early is not always possible maybe getting up 20 minutes before your baby typically gets up is a better goal.
Basically, you make it fit with your schedule for work, when your children rise, but the valuable thing is getting up to spend time with the Lord and to get your morning going. Trust me I understand the difficulty, but it is so worth it!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Completed Fabric Wall
this flower I made using this tutorial.
the top piece I just made some circle looking things with some coordinating felt in the middle. Nothing brilliant.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Off to Nan's house they go!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Creating a "Family Plan"
Almost a year ago Don came to me after he had listened to this sermon on managing your family and wanted us to create a family plan. Of course I was excited because I love lists and planning! I get all excited about calendars and writing things on them... i know that is rather dorky. Basically what it is is creating a mission statement for your family, making goals divided into different categories, and then planning on how to do them each day, week, month and year. This is our first year doing it so we have had some months were the family plan did not happen. Plus unexpected things happen and you just have to be flexible with life, but this is a great tool to help your family stay on track and focused. I am not going to share our whole family plan because it is 3 pages long, but just the basics of it:
Categories: Finances, Marriage, Family/Parenting, Outreach, Church Life
Then under each of those categories we wrote down the things that were important to us. Goals we had for each sections. Here are a few examples from each category
Finances: Maintain a monthly budget. Evaluate it as a couple. Live and give generously.
Marriage: Date night once or twice a month, Yearly getaway alone, Pray nightly together, Read 3 books a year together,
Family/Parenting: Daily family worship, Keep a family journal,
Outreach: Plan a monthly thing to do as a family to reach out to our neighbors and city
Church Life: Have someone over for dinner twice a month
The last Sunday of each month Don and I sit down and look at the upcoming month and we decide on who we want to invite over for dinner, when date nights are going to be, when family nights are going to be, what outreach we want to do. It is a great way to keep it all going. Like I mentioned before we are so not perfect at this. There are things on the family plan that we have never even done before, but it really helps.
Here is the audio and here is the blog to get the whole picture. Happy planning :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Fall Wreath is Finished!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Little Ones and Phases
I cannot leave out my little Eden bug, currently her little phase is dressing herself. And let me tell you she is a fashion forward little girl. She will come up with some of the craziest little outfits that I just cannot let her walk out in public in. At the same time I do help her in picking out her clothes and I am really trying to give her the independence she wants in deciding what she is going to wear. But it is SO hard for me. I love love picking out her cute little dresses and hairbows!!
Do you have currently have any little phases you are going through with your kiddos? Let this time be a learning time and not a frustrating time. I understand I am right in the middle of many :)
Friday, September 23, 2011
I don't want to be poor...
"And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said:
'Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.'"- Luke 6:20-23
I don't want to be poor. I don't want to be hungry. I don't want to weep and I surly don't want people to hate and exclude me. All day long my flesh and the world tells me that I should live a happy, fully satisfied life with love from everyone. Don't get me wrong the Lord does want wonderful things for His children, more than we can ever imagine, but more than that He wants to give us things of lasting value. He wants us to gain and long for Kingdom treasure. I still view the Beatitudes as a beautiful part of Scripture, but I see it now as much more challenging. I am challenged to strive more for the things that will last and things that the Lord finds valuable. Oh Lord, flood my mind and spirit with things that please You!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Hospitality part 2
First, hospitality is not having a perfectly cooked meal, a spotless house, a beautifully set table and children that don't make a sound. If that is it then I have failed. Hospitality is welcoming people in your home, your life and making them feel at ease and loved. It is also engaging with them and letting them know that you care about what is going on in their lives and you want to share a meal together to grow in community. As I mentioned earlier Romans 12:13 reminds us the importance of hospitality, "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." When we show hospitality we should be aiming to meet the needs of those around us and show them the love of Christ. Seek to show hospitality it is an active thing. Typically, something you typically have to plan to do. Here are just a few tips:
Practical tips:
- My husband and I plan each month together. At the end of one month we will look to the next and see what we want that month to look like. It includes a lot of different things, from family nights, to date nights, but one part of it is deciding who we want to have over that month. We try to have at least two families over per month. Sometimes it's just one, but we aim for two. We have found if we do not plan then it doesn't happen. The week gets busy and schedules get full.
- Then I usually set up the time with the other wife if we are having a couple over. Sometimes my husband will, but normally it is me.
- Like I mentioned before Don and I love to cook, so a lot of times we will plan the menu together, but sometimes I just do it.
- If cooking is not your "thing" do not let that stop you from having guests. Do something simple like a sandwich bar followed by an ice cream bar. You can be so creative and cute with those simple and no cooking needed menu items.
- Again, the point of hospitality is not the food, but loving and welcoming people into your home.
- If I do not know the people super well Don and I will briefly discuss what we should talk about. I probably think on it more than my husband. I just enjoy it when conversation flows.
- Let your children be involved. Of course this depends on their age. And to be honest this is something I want to grow in. Let them set the table. Help stir. Anything to involve them. If other children are coming over we talk to Eden about playing with them and inviting them to come see her room.
- Don't worry too much about your house looking perfect. People really don't notice if you have scrubbed your floors or not. Or if you have dusted the top of the bookshelf. I do believe your house should be in order and not a mess, but don't think you have to have it spotless. That is too stressful.
So, I encourage you to invite someone over. Enjoy fellowship. Show the love of Christ to others.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Hospitality part 1
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Toilet Paper Rolls... Who knew?
The idea came from apartment therapy... i don't have their original post. But check out their website it's great!
The pictures aren't that great they are a little crooked... I am growing in my photography skill
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Why the unlikely housewife?
Because that is what I am. By calling myself the unlikely housewife I remind myself that what I am is only by the grace and blessing of the Lord. I never in a million years thought I would be here: a wife, mother of two small children, a college education and staying home. You see my mind was aimed on career and making much of myself. It was only by the Lord’s grace and mercy that He called me to be a wife and mother. I love being those things. I love being with my children all day and having the house ready for my husband when he comes home. At one point in my life that sounded like prison. How blind I was to the beauty of the Lord’s plan. Don’t get me wrong we have tough tough days and I am a sinful mother and wife with many shortcomings, but only by the Lord's mercy do I grow from those shortcomings.
I want this blog to be an account of my joys, celebrations, frustrations and shortcomings as a wife and mother. But most of all about the things the Lord is teaching me about my role as a wife first and then a mother. I hope to also share projects I am working on around our house, recipes, things I am learning and just "stuff" we do as a family. So here's to blogging... hopefully this won't be the only entry :)