
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thinking on the New Year

I love the New Year! Typically, my sweet mother keeps the kiddos so that Don and I can have the evening together. We usually go out to dinner and talk about the up-coming year, look over our family plan and just talk about things we want to do differently. And I think this year we might go see Don's friend's band play at the P&H, but it doesn't start until 10 and that is so crazy late to me! Anyway, I wanted to share some of the questions that Don and I do together. We have been doing them for a few years and I not sure where Don got them, but they have been really helpful in looking at my spiritual life.

1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God
2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year
3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life
4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress and what will you so about it
5. What is the single biggest time-waster and what will you do about it
6. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently for
7. What's the most important way you will by God's grace, try to make this year different from last
8. What's the most important need you feel burdened to meet
9. What habit would you most like to establish this year
10. Who is the person you most want to encourage
11. What's one way you could be a blessing to your pastor
12. What single blessing from God do you want to seek most earnestly
13. What skill do you most want to learn
14. What one biblical doctrine do you most want to understand better
15. What area do you most need change

Do you have any questions you ask yourself about the new year? Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Megan...Those are really good questions...I Resolution for the year!I miss you...
