
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What to do when I'm feeling dry

No, I don't need some lotion or a tall glass of water. I am talking about being spiritually dry. Lately, I haven't hungered for God's Word like I have in the past. I have been more stirred by reading other books. They are really good Christ-centered books that encourage and move me, which is good, but not when it is replacing my time in God's Word. I have felt like it has just become a part of my routine. And I know that God's Word has a higher place than that. I have shared this with a few friends and my husband and they have all been so encouraging and some even have described going through a similar time. I know as a Christian it is normal to experience a dry time spiritually, but I don't want to take the road of "this is just part of it" and coast through it. I want to fight to be brought out of this time. My sweet husband suggested a Bible study for me to do. I normally don't do Bible studies, but i think I need something different to challenge me more and help guide me through this time. So, today I started it. It's a study on the book of Colossians and the first day was just reading straight through the book. And it was wonderful! I felt moved and "in love" with God's Word. One thing that I really liked about the study is that it helps guide you in asking questions and looking deeper into the Scripture.

Here are a few things that I have learned when I feel dry...

~ I have to pour my heart out to the Lord. Even when I don't feel like it. I have to ask the Holy Spirit to guide me.

~ To share my struggle with someone and ask them to pray for me and for their guidance

~ To change up what I am doing in my quiet time.

~ To fight to get out of that dry spot

~ Not to stop reading God's Word, but challenge myself to look at it differently.

Those are just a few things that I have learned. Here is the book on Colossians that I am reading. I do recommend it, even if you don't feel dry :) If you have never read the Bible I encourage you to it is a beautiful book about God's redemptive plan for His people. It is truth.

have a wonderful Tuesday! I am super excited that I get to talk to my dear dear friend Al, who is in Uganda! Can't wait to hear her voice!!!!!

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