
Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Owen

Yesterday was Owen's 2nd Birthday. I cannot believe he is 2! He blesses our family so much. He is so silly, sweet and just full of so much life! We love him greatly! I wanted to share his birth story. I wrote this a few days after he was born. Enjoy! 
Owen’s Arrival

First, I am so blessed to have had 2 wonderful pregnancies and deliveries. I am so thankful for that.
I was 3 days past my “due date”, so I was very anxious for Owen’s arrival and not to be pregnant anymore.  On Wednesday May 12th, I had told Don that I felt like Owen was so low and could basically fall out at anytime. That night as we were about to go to sleep my water broke at 10:50pm as I was lying in the bed. And it was a lot of water. I asked Don to change the sheets because I wanted to go back to sleep and I wasn’t having very strong contractions, but after talking to Dr. Wilson she urged me to come to the hospital. As we were driving to the hospital my contractions started to come about every 3-4 minutes. They were growing in intensity, but still not too bad. As we waited in the emergency room I had to start concentrating on my contractions more. I would close my eyes and envision my contraction growing and then going down. It helped me through Eden’s labor, so I figured it would work with Owen’s and it did. It was 12:30am by the time we got checked into our room and they checked my dilation. Dr. Wilson was surprised that I came to the hospital. I think she thought that I would just stay home and have the baby. I was 7cm and about 90% effaced. So, I had progressed pretty quickly.
I sat on my birthball for about 10 minutes as Don put warm pressure on my back with a rice sock. And as my mom and Chris gave my legs support when a contraction would come. After about 10 minutes of that I felt very sick. I had to spend the rest of the time in the restroom. I will spare the details here. But Don was in there with me and I knew I was almost complete. Once all that had passed the nurse came in and said she could check me again, but I told her I knew I was complete and he was ready to come. She checked me and I was right. I was at 10cm. The hardest part with that was lying down in the bed. I hate being in hospital beds and hate being on my back for labor, but it was quick.
Dr. Wilson told me I could start pushing whenever I was ready. Sidenote… She is a wonderful doctor! I love how she doesn’t rush labor or try to do any unnecessary interventions. I pushed in a squatted position with Don in front of me. Pushing with Owen was so hard! At one point I had rather just endure the contractions than push. But once I got in a good rhythm with it and was making progress I was encouraged. Once he was about to crown Dr. Wilson wanted me on my back, which I was fine with at that point. I kept my eyes closed through the last few pushes and I remember saying I just want him out! Once his head was out they told me to stop pushing because the cord was around his neck twice. Dr. Wilson quickly removed it and placed our beautiful son on my belly. I warmed him and wiped him off and we waited until the cord stopped pulsating before the cord was cut. He was born at 2:17am on Thursday May 13th. Only 3 hours and 17 minutes of labor. One thing that was different with Eden is that her whole body came out so quick, but he was much slower and I had to push his body out…. Probably because he was bigger. It was a beautiful delivery. I just praised the Lord that he was here and safe. It did take Dr. Wilson about 30-45 minutes to stitch me up because as she described it, my tore was “creative”. It was a 2nd degree. After she was done he easily started breastfeeding. He was 8.8lbs and 20 ¼ inches long. 

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