Don got a new job as I am sure I mentioned in a previous post, but this job requires traveling, so I am getting use to him being gone a little more. I am learning that when he is gone I have to stay busy!! Lots of outings, visits with friends and of course I go and stay a few nights with my sweet momma in Covington. One thing I realized that I cannot do to Don and is completely unfair is that when he gets home I expect him to then completely take over the kids while I just go do whatever I want. Totally selfish. I struggled with thoughts of (this is not a bitter way at all, but more of justifying my thoughts kind of way...) you have been able to get off work and then go to a hotel and relax all week, now it's my turn. Again, totally selfish. Thankfully, when he does come home he is willing and ready to just spend time with us as a family and help in whatever way. We knew travel was required when we took this new job it will just take some adjusting, thankfully it isn't going to be too often. Any other wives out there that have had traveling husbands advice is much appreciated.
On the lines of my sweet husband the Lord through two different conversations and my personal time with the Lord has been showing me the huge role that Don carries as the leader of our family. He will be accountable to God for the things that happened in our family. Huge responsibility. And I do not pray for him enough. I really want to dedicated the next 30 days to daily pleading on my knees before the Lord for my husband as he discerns the direction for our family as well as for his own spiritual growth. I am married to a wonderful man that blesses me daily, but he is human and has struggles and needs the Lord's help to daily sustain him as much as I do. I do not plan to stop praying for him after 30 days, but I just really want to intensify and be very dedicated to my daily prayers for him.
I want to be a wife that does my husband good and not harm all the days of his life (Proverbs 31:12) Join me if you will in spending the next month on your knees for your husband.
Don downloaded an ebook for me called Prayers of An Excellent Wife. I haven't read it yet, but plan to start it.
No matter how devoted a mother, it is nonetheless a struggle to spend 24/7 with children. I get worn out with my older kids when my husband is traveling but I remember well how exhausting little ones are when you go for days without a break. I find I really need a date when he comes home more than a babysitter. I have to resist the temptation to withdraw in frustration because what I really need is him to pour into me because I am dry, empty and all give out! Then we can both come back into parenting mode fresh and united. Kids miss Daddy too but you two are the first priority.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet heart you have, prefering one another. It's win-win. :)
Thanks Heather! So true! A few weeks ago when he traveled we didn't have a date when he got back, but the plan is to have one as soon as he gets back! I knew we greatly needed to reconnect :)