
Friday, February 17, 2012

A few things we are enjoying

Good afternoon! Kids are napping and it is so peaceful in our home. I really want to nap, but I have too much to do! I just wanted to quickly share a few things that I have been enjoying with my kids.

~ Eden and I started our first "chapter" book. It's called Gumtree Gully. We read a chapter after her nap. It has pictures, but not on every page, so it's helping her to just learn to listen and use her imagination. It is such a great book and I recommend it to anyone with a 3+ year old. Click on the link to read what it is about.

~ For Christmas we got the kids the audio book called Wise Words. We are loving it! It's a collection of short stories that illustrate different proverbs. I know Eden doesn't fully understand the meaning of them, but she enjoys hearing them. I especially love listening to them and I have found myself listening to them even when the kids are not around. While I would recommend it for any age I think more of the target range to fully understand it is probably 5+ maybe even 7+.

~ We have been listening to the story of Mike Mulligun while we eat lunch and I hope to purchase more books on CD for them. Here are a few that are on my list: Curious George , Lyle Lyle Crocodile, and Amelia Bedelia.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. We like listening to the dramatized audio Bible from here:

    You can also listen to FREE audio books at:

  2. i LOVED Amelia Bedelia when I was a kid! Gumtree Gulley sounds really cute too

  3. thanks for the links Kayci I will def. look into those.

    I know, Leah, when I saw it it brought back memories :)

  4. Hey girl, just wanted to drop by and let you know I nominated you for a sunshine award on my blog :))
    You can follow the link to check it out and get rules to pass it on.
