
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Things that give me life...

I've been away from the ole blog for a few days. Here's what's been going on in the Gale family
~My sister turned 30, so we were in Covington for a few days celebrating. I cannot believe she is 30! So crazy to me. Happy Birthday to my sweet sister!
~My amazing husband got a new job at FedEx in the internal audit department, his last day at his old job was Thursday and he doesn't start the new one until this coming Thursday, so we have a few days all together. So proud of him and this new job. He is a hard working man :)
~ We have all been battling sickness. Owen and Eden were sick first. Ear infections. Not fun. Eden rarely gets sick. I think she has maybe been sick 3 times. Owen on the other hand gets sick a little easier. Then Don and I both got sick and I feel like I have battled a cough and headaches for over week, but thankfully I have felt great today!
~ I've finally finished painting my kitchen. No one will probably ever notice, but I hadn't carried to paint color of my kitchen to above the cabinets and it has been driving me crazy, so I tackled it yesterday and today and it looks great. I notice every time I walk in our kitchen, which is a lot, so it makes me happy :)
~ Owen is in love with this pink puppy. I have tried to divert his attention to a more "boyish" stuffed animal, but he will just throw them and point for the pink puppy. I will have to give it to him it is really soft and he doesn't care that it is pink. It's a dog and it's soft that's all he cares about. So I guess a pink puppy it is.
There is a little update on our simple family.

I have been thinking on things that "give me life". I had a great conversation with my sweet friend Monica about the same topic on Monday. I am learning how important it is to have things in my life that bring me joy and just flat out give me life. Let me explain a little more. There are things in life that just naturally give me life such as the Lord, my husband, my children. But I mean more specific things that I can do when my day is going rough or I am having a hard time finding joy. I don't know about you, but sometimes I can just get in a funk. It can be for a few hours or a day. Now, the Lord is the first thing I should (and try) to turn to when I am having a hard time. But sometimes I need to do something in addition to that. Here is a list of things that I know will give me life and they are not just needed when I am having a hard day, but things that just make me happy. When Monica and I were discussing this we talked about how having such a list is good, but obviously not to replace time with the Lord, but only to enhance it. God created me (us) to bring Him glory through the things that we do and create, so it is natural that He has given us things that we just flat out enjoy doing and make us happy.
So I just wanted to share my list with you and I know it will continue to evolve and be added to
(in no order)
1. Sewing. I haven't been sewing for very long, but it makes me so happy to sit down and make a skirt for Eden or curtains or whatever project I am working on. Granted I do get frustrated with sewing, but it isn't a bad frustrated... it's a I am going to figure this out kind of frustrated.

2. Drinking my husband's AMAZING chai tea with chantilly cream. Seriously, I am smiling right now just thinking about how wonderful it is. And really it's the chantilly cream. I cannot get over how good it is.

3. Sitting with my tea and having a good conversation with my husband. Good conversation meaning we talk about the future, our plans, we share what the Lord is teaching us and pray together. So life giving!

4. Having people over for dinner. I love everything from the conversation, to the cooking, setting the table and in a crazy way even the cleaning up.

5. Seeing my children laugh. And even more seeing my children laugh together. It brings me so much joy to see them bonding and how Eden takes care of Owen.

6. Making things/decorating my home. I love to do crafts. And I always feel like I have some idea swirling in my head, so making those things happen makes me happy. Typically it is something to "improve" our humble abode

7. Good worship music. I cannot stop listening to this CD. It makes me just stop what I am doing and worship and praise our good good God.

8. Being outside on a beautiful warm day. I love the sunshine and warm weather.

9. Reading.

10. Planning my upcoming and week. Sounds silly I know. But I really enjoy sitting down and figuring out what Eden and I are doing in our school time, what things we are going to make, what I am cooking for the week, what outings we are going to take, and etc.

11.Writing on my little blog :)

12. Good alone time with my Bible and journal.

13. Having a good conversation with a stranger

14. My accountability time with my sweet friends Al and Steph. Every time I leave I am encouraged, challenged and humbled.

There you have it. Do you have a "life giving list"? I would love to hear about it :)

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