
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Read Read Read!!

I just returned from the dentist where I had my teeth cleaned and they just feel so nice. It makes me not want to eat anything because I don't want to "mess" them up, but then my stomach calls and of course I give in... anyway....

I greatly enjoy reading. It probably helps that my husband does as well, so a nice evening could be us sitting on the couch together reading and me probably reading him a quote from the book I am reading interrupting his reading... I hope he doesn't get annoyed by me doing that. I know many people don't enjoy reading or say they don't have time, but I just want to encourage you to make time. Not only does it sharpen your mind, but it's much more enlightening then just watching T.V. every evening. I also think a key part of reading is reading authors and books that your really enjoy. Personally, I don't typically read fiction. It's not that I don't enjoy it, but it's just that I find other books more satisfying and moving for me. So, find something you like. Here are some books I've read this year that I thought were really great...

~ Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary Kassen. It's basically 20 contrast between what the Bible says a wise woman is and a wild woman. She is a wonderful author and tells many engaging stories. It really showed me some areas of my life that I have still have some wild tendencies.

~ Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney. It is a very challenging read about pride and really brings the Gospel to life. I read it as part of my quiet time for about 2 months.

~ A Meal with Jesus by Tim Chester. Great book! Don and I are really passionate about meals and cooking and community and this book is all about that. Not just about hospitality, but about how so much of Jesus' ministry was centered around the table and how a meal is an opportunity to show grace, share community and be missional. Such a good book.

I am currently reading with Don Family Vocation: God's Calling in Marriage, Parenting, and Childhood. So far we are both really enjoying it. We read a chapter a week and then talk about it. He takes a lot of his teaching from Martin Luther on how he considered the family calling to be the most important of all the earthly vocations. Highly recommend this book. It has really encouraged me in my role as a wife and mother.

I am currently reading For the City by Darrin Patrick an Matt Carter. I am only 3 chapters into the book, but so far I do not want to put it down. The book is the story of 2 church plants in totally different cities, but how both of them are focused on meeting the needs of their city, serving their city and sharing the Gospel. This book really excites me because it is so our heart for Audubon Park Baptist Church (the church we are serving at) and the way the Lord has Don and I serving.

With reading I don't want it to sound like I just have tons of time to read or that I just sit all day and read because in reality I don't at all... there is always things to be done, places to go and little ones to take care of. I try to make time to read maybe a chapter a day, sometimes more or sometimes less... whatever fits the schedule. I want to just encourage you to enjoy books! Any book suggestions please send my way... even if they are fiction ;)

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