
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Getting my recipes together

I do love to cook, but lately it has seemed like a chore and just something I have to do to feed my family. One of my resolutions was to begin enjoying my time in the kitchen again. To fuel that I started by organizing my recipes and the way I plan my weekly menu. Typically, planning my menu would take me over an hour sometimes because I felt like I had to look through all my cookbooks and read so much. I knew I couldn't keep spending so much time each week on our meals. I have other things to do! So, I figured out a more simple way, at least I think so. I am taking a few days/weeks. (hope to have it done by beginning of February) and going through my cookbooks and making a document of the recipe, page number and name cookbook of recipes my family has liked or that I want to try out. And then at the beginning of the month I am going to plan February menu. Now, I am not going to plan the whole month because things come up and we have people over for dinner or such, but I am going to plan at least 3-4 meals per week for the month of Feb. It will take a little time a the first of the month, but I think everything will be easy sailing after I get my document done and the first month planned. May be silly, but I am way excited about this new method. I do still plan on weekly grocery shopping. We eat mostly fresh, so it is just better to buy it once a week. I love getting organized!

On a little more serious of a note. My husband (Don) just wrote an awesome blog post about where we are at in pursuing missions and some things the Lord has shown him and encouraged me with. Read it here if you are interested. I am so blessed by a wonderful husband that leads our family so well.


  1. That's a great idea! I try to do a breakfast for dinner (brinner) and a homemade pizza or calzone night every week too. This saves me time to be more creative with the other five nights!

  2. that's a good idea too about having one set meal you do every week. Might have to start that :)
