
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Loving books

Don and I love to read. I am glad that it is something that we enjoy doing together. We desire so much for our children to be excited and love books and the places their imaginations will go by reading them. We read a lot in our home, probably one of my favorite things to do with them. It's so calming and relaxing. Although right now, Owen can be the little chatter box when you are reading to him, asking over and over, "mommy what they doing?" and then "why". It can make for a very long book. I finally got a library card. We have been going to the library for story-time and just to look at books for years now, but finally got my act together and got a card. And Eden thinks it is the best thing ever. She has started "reading" to Owen and it makes me so happy. Don't get me wrong my kids do love books, but I am not sure if they compete yet with the Ipad. Oh technology :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fun with Flour, Water and Food coloring....

Like most kids my kids love making things and anything that is messy! Thankfully, this little project is a mess in a bag. So, it really isn't a mess at all :) All you need is a cup of flour, water, food coloring and a plastic bag. Pour the cup of flour in a mixing bowl. Or let the kids pour. Mix with water until the consistency is thin, but not too liquidy. Add food coloring, stir and then pour in the plastic bag. Eden and Owen played with that mixture for days! It can stay in the fridge up to 3 days. They loved how it felt and what it looked like when they rolled it around. The idea came from this great book. It has awesome activities from birth through 5 years of age. This activity was from the 2 year old section for Owen, but I kind of think Eden had more fun with it. They both were really creative with it! Try it :)

Eden decided it was pizza. She is adding her toppings :)